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Joined: Jul 2024
Hello there. I just found out that DC interface stopped working particularly when using the clicker motor which is also overheating at the same time ( the rotation motor is still functioning somehow or somewhat). The light is not blinking no matter what. How can I fix this failed component? Thank you!
Posts: 57
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Joined: Apr 2022
Hi :))
I understand correctly the blinking doesn't show just when a solenoid is plugged? This happens while having the same settings?
Overheating in solenoid is normal when electricity is passing but there is no movement to spread out that energy. We're working in improving our solenoids since some of them works just at some particular angles. Try to move it around and see what happens. Also make sure you are in Pulse mode when using a solenoid.
For what you describe the problem looks more to be in some patch/setting, or particularly in the motor mostly than in the DC Interface overall.
Synthesizing hug from Berlin
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Joined: Sep 2024
Hey RamboAmadeus.
it sounds to me that a transistor or the Mosfet (Q1 in the schematics) are damaged, therefore there is a constant maximum voltage.
This would explain the motor always rotating, the solenoid stuck in 1 position and the overheating.
Probably one transistor between Q11 to Q15 or Q1 must be replaced, but most probably Q1.
Depending on your soldering skills, you could try to repair it following those leads. Otherwise drop a message for the support -->
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Joined: Nov 2024
I'have the same problem. On mine, only PULSE mode isn't working (both no signal and led isn't blinking). The PWM mode is working (LED blinking correctly). With or without motor or solenoid connected, same problem.
Someone can help me? I can repair it but need to know ice component is defective.....
Best regards!