Field kit fx delay broken
My field kit fx delay has suddenly stopped working. Signal going thru isn’t delayed anymore with no feedback. Manual and Cv control of time and fdb parameters do affect sound but not as expected.
It seems like a hardware problem tho I haven’t notice anything unusual while inspecting pcb.
I tried to cleaned everything also with a contact cleaner.
No luck.

Have anyone here experienced this issu? 
Any solution?

I sent an email to Koma to ask for repair but I they say they currently only support for issues under warranty…
I bought that thing more than 2 years ago… :/
Hii :)))

Sound stupid to ask, but could be that the gain know of the Delay is not up?? Also if it doesn't looks like if the sound is going throught.

Also curious of what happens to sound when you change the parameters of it.

Anyay as you said it sound like some hardware issue, probably the delay chip have some problems and needs to be replaced.

A synthesizing hug from Berlin
(12-22-2023, 09:03 PM)PhC Wrote: Hello, 
My field kit fx delay has suddenly stopped working. Signal going thru isn’t delayed anymore with no feedback. Manual and Cv control of time and fdb parameters do affect sound but not as expected.
It seems like a hardware problem tho I haven’t notice anything unusual while inspecting pcb.
I tried to cleaned everything also with a contact cleaner.
No luck.

Have anyone here experienced this issu? 
Any solution?

I sent an email to Koma to ask for repair but I they say they currently only support for issues under warranty…
I bought that thing more than 2 years ago… :/

I also have a broken delay but in my case, not sound passing through at all. Does anyone know on which specific IC the delay is processed, and location on the board ? Xavier
Damn, bought a second field kit fx cause it was the center of my setup.
Worked for a while and now broken again. Same.
It seems that it can’t handle eurorack level and toast.
Now I have 2 field kit rendered useless.

Can someone from KOMA at least tell us where to look at on the PCB?

Kind of disappointing…
The delay IC is a PT2399 and is easily accessible and replaceable in the center of the lower level pcb.
You will find the IC since the code is written on it.
If you have experience with SMD desoldering/soldering, you can swap it. The IC package is Soic-16.
The IC in charge to handle signal coming in/out are TL072 and powered with +-12V, therefore they will handle Eurorack signals.
It might be though, that the delay IC is not the cause of malfunction.
You can try to fix it, I will try to assist as i can.
Otherwise drop us an email at Koma and at the moment we have availability for non-warranty repairs

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