Greetings from Berlin!

We hope this message finds you well. We want to give you an update on the current production status of your Komplex Sequencer.

The Golden Sample tested well and after a couple of days of testing it, we started to set up all the orders. There is a lot of things that go into a product like the Komplex Sequencer: Electronics, Hardware (a LOT of hardware actually!), Knobs, Wooden Sidepanels, Enclosure, NEW Packaging and NEW manuals to name the most important ones. All of these items have been ordered, some have already been received and for the remaining ones we finally got a shipping date.

We will start receiving electronics in around 2 weeks, when we will also start soldering the hardware to the boards. The hardware is all the sliders, jacks, potentiometers, switches and so on. The wooden side cheeks will arrive next week. Knobs, screws and a small mountain of hardware are already here.

Last week we received the shipping date for the enclosures. Unfortunately our supplier for the enclosures took an epic 7 weeks to start planning our production after we initiated the order back in June.

Finally those enclosures are in production now but since the enclosure of the Komplex Sequencer is powder coated for extra durability and then silkscreened afterwards, it takes a little while to finish them.

We will only receive the enclosures in October, so we'll have to wait with shipping the first units until then. We are really, really sorry for this delay as we could keep our promise of starting to ship in September if it wasn't for the enclosures. But once more it shows that good things take time and so does the enclosure of your sequencer.

We plan to finish around 10 sequencers a week, so at least by the time that we receive the enclosures in October, we likely already have your sequencer produced, tested and ready to slip into its enclosure. We will proceed to send them out as quick as we can as soon as the first enclosures arrive here.

Again, we are really sorry for this delay but hope that you can wait 2 - 3 more weeks than expected. Quality is what counts after all and this is a promise we will definitely keep! :D

We will keep you updated and remain with
a synthesized hug from Berlin,
the KOMA team


Thanks for the update! Been wanting one for several years now, so a few weeks delay isn’t gonna have a major impact. I’d rather receive a solid product than a rushed one.

Best of luck to you!

Virtual hug from USA!
(09-06-2023, 10:27 PM)Wired Creature Wrote: Thanks for the update! Been wanting one for several years now, so a few weeks delay isn’t gonna have a major impact. I’d rather receive a solid product than a rushed one.

Best of luck to you!

Virtual hug from USA!

Wise wordss

A synthesizing hug from Berlin :))
Hi all. Any word on how the production is coming along? It's now the middle of November and I haven't heard any news yet. Fingers crossed its all moving forward as planned
(11-13-2023, 05:08 AM)drjase Wrote: Hi all. Any word on how the production is coming along? It's now the middle of November and I haven't heard any news yet. Fingers crossed its all moving forward as planned

Based on the email update I got today, I highly doubt we will get them this year:

“We regret to inform you of an unexpected development in the manufacturing of your Komplex sequencer. This week we finally received the enclosures, so we immediately started mounting the electronics into the enclosures. After a few units, we discovered a significant quality issue with the print, which fell short of our usual high standards.”

At this point no date is given, understandably so as I imagine they’ll need to get a date from the enclosure manufacturer first. 

I think February 2024 would be optimistic and second quarter of 2024 would be a more realistic expectation. At least that’s the expectation I’m setting for myself.
Oh no that is very unfortunate to hear. I never got an email to tell me this though. I'll have to contact them directly I think.

Thanks for letting me know
Hello everyone!

This is an update on the status of the Komplex production in which we found the enclosures of bad quality.

As we communicated, the old batch of enclosures that we found does not fulfill our standards arrived a bit less than two weeks ago at our case supplier who inspected the whole run carefully and with due diligence. They concluded that the print was indeed of bad quality and their quality control made errors.

Right now the best and only solution is that the all enclosures have to be re-done from scratch. The metal work for these new enclosures was finished last week already. Afterwards they did printing tests on these enclosures to make sure that everything is correct and up to standards this time. The results of these printing tests will be evaluated this week and if the print is good now, then the new batch of enclosures will be printed next week.

These are the latest informations we have as of today. We are happy to report that our supplier works with greatest care and high priority on this issue and it seems like it will be resolved soon. As soon as any new information comes in, we will pass it on immediately.

Thanks again for your continued support and understanding, we really appreciate it!
Komplex Production Update

Hey everyone and happy new year! We want to share the latest news with you in regards to the Komplex production and the order you made. In the last two weeks of December all new enclosures were powdercoated and printed. They are currently being finished in this stage and inspected thoroughly for sufficient quality after the printing process. Next week these new enclosures will then go through the final steps of manufacturing and receive another inspection in quality control.

After this step the enclosure manufacturer will pack them up to make sure they are safe and cozy during shipping and send them to us. We currently expect these enclosures to arrive in the fourth week of January latest. After we receive them, we will finally be able to put everything together and start shipping your order.

We are really looking forward to finally being able to do that as we have been waiting for these enclosures since mid September. Everything else is ready to go and prepared for the final assembly. Again, we are really sorry for this annoying delay.

That's it for now. If we have any more news to share in the coming days, we will let you know immediately.

Thanks again for angel-like patience and your understanding in this matter. In the end we hope the immaculent quality of our sequencer will make up for the extra waiting time.

A synthesizing hug from Berlin,
The KOMA team


You can see from these images we are using this extra time to make a new manual, improve packaging and adding some firmware features ;))
Komplex Sequencer Production Update

Good news, everyone! Finally the new batch of enclosures is on the way to our workspace in Berlin! Since yesterday the all new and freshly made housings are packed up and got shipped to us. We don't have a definitive delivery date (it's a truck cargo shipment) but shipping should only take a couple of days and we expect the enclosures to arrive within a week. We are positive to finally start shipping end of next week and then the Komplex orders will go out one by one in the sequence they came in.

Additionally, we haven't simply been waiting for the enclosures; we've been actively working. Apart from doing some extra design work on beautiful packaging, custom stickers and a completely reworked manual, we also used the last weeks to code a completely new function into the Komplex sequencer. It's a new type of "Skip Step" mode, which essentially lets you program pauses into sequences.

Since we implemented this during the waiting period after redesigning the manual, this function is not mentioned in it, but we will add an addendum to the manual.

So far, so good. We will update you about the last step of your order next week!

All the best,
The KOMA Team
Great news! Fingers crossed, there won’t be any more issues.
Yay! Got an email update that they’re beginning to ship!
Happy to hear that shipping has begun! I’ll wait patiently for my place in the que. Thanks again for taking the time to “do it right”.
Peace! ✌
These are the latest informations we have as of today.

I have a Komplex. The LED on the last slider of sequencer C, slider #16 does not light. The note/CV will play fine, but the LED does not light when the note plays. How do I test and/or replace this LED? I am not sure if this was an issue since I received the unit or just started happening. I have just started to use sequencer C. I sent a warranty request via email as well, but have not received a response.
(07-14-2024, 07:00 PM)jdkJake Wrote: Hi.

I have a Komplex. The LED on the last slider of sequencer C, slider #16 does not light. The note/CV will play fine, but the LED does not light when the note plays. How do I test and/or replace this LED? I am not sure if this was an issue since I received the unit or just started happening. I have just started to use sequencer C. I sent a warranty request via email as well, but have not received a response.

Hey! I can't see an e-mail from you in our support, sorry about that... For starters, you can try to wiggle the LED slightly and see if to comes on. Probably easiest if you put your sequencer to a 1-step sequence for that, so the LED should be continually lit. You can also try to simply pull out the LED to the top. You can just pinch it and pull it out and swap it with an LED that works. Let me know how that goes.
Hi Chrisi.

The last email response I received from support was from Zuzana on the 15th of May when the team was at superbooth. Zuzana stated a response would be coming after superbooth, which is understandable. I never received a response and none of my follow up emails apparently are making through your support email system.

I swapped the led with another working led and the problem remains. Whichever led is in the last position does not light up. I was careful to retain the correct polarity on the led.

There appears to be some strange behavior with the sequencer length setting on that sequencer. I will take a quick video that demonstrates the issue. Only sequence C exhibits the issue.


I have a brief video that shows one version of the problem. I tried to attach it, but the format is not accepted. I made it with my iPhone. What format is required for the video to upload as an attachment?

The video I made shows that when the sequence length is set to maximum for sequencer C, the length does not stay set to maximum. It always goes down one step. This is true regardless if the sequence is running or not. 

The other variation is that the length stays set to the maximum, the note plays, but the last light does not light.

I sent you a PM.

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