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can't get sequence length to change - Printable Version

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can't get sequence length to change - Scarab - 03-02-2025

I've been having no success getting one sequencer to change the sequence length of another; Sending CV out to the SEQ LGTH input should alter the sequence length, shouldn't it?  I have also tried GATE out and that doesn't alter it either. 

I have set the output ranges from 5v and 9v and still can't get it to work.

I'd love some guidance.

RE: can't get sequence length to change - Scarab - 03-02-2025

Actually I figured it out but for the benefit of others; if you have your sequence length knob all the way at 16, the patch won't do anything; the SEQ LGTH will only extend the sequence length past where you have it set, so if you have it set on max it won't choose to shorten your sequence.