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DC interface multiple? - Printable Version

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DC interface multiple? - FortSherman - 01-13-2025


I own the Field Kit + Field Kit FX and I'm getting more and more into experimenting.

Is it possible to multiply the DC output? I would like to use several motors at the same time.

Thank you

RE: DC interface multiple? - FortSherman - 01-14-2025

Maybe something like this one:


RE: DC interface multiple? - Jackieflipflop - 01-16-2025

Hey FortSherman,

we felt the same limitations, that's why we created Kassiopeia!
Is a 4x motor/solenoid driver, responding to triggers or midi!
Will be out very soon


RE: DC interface multiple? - FortSherman - 01-16-2025

That's a great idea! 

I'm the first customer ;-)